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Cars glitching out
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After someone is killed in a car, the next person to attempt to drive it will get bugged out
By that I mean no one will see them or the car and you can’t exit the car or turn it off. When doing a log you aren’t able to return back to session until after a server reset. Have had this happen to me twice and both times someone had died in the driver seat


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Someone gets killed in driver seat
Re-enter car
Can’t exit or turn off vehicle

Additional Information

It doesn’t happen immediately either, I had entered and exited the car multiple times before it bugged out each time. The first time I was the one who died in the car, the second time someone else died in the car but both times it bugs out to where I can’t exit and when I log out to exit I can’t relog into the same server until the next reset

Event Timeline

CDogg123567 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

This problem didn’t personally happen to me until after the 1.08 Hotfixes