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Car Lag bug/temporary solution
New, UrgentPublic


All of us are having problems with this car lag(game freezes 15seconds later runs again and shoots you into a wall/tree/post etc destroying the car or killing you. I know you guys are working on it but please as a temporary solution can you create a file that can allow server owners the ability to have access to vehicle damage and player damage when in the car. Allowing them to change the file and eliminate all the damage, so atleast when we crash the cars arnt getting destroyed and were not dying. Yes this a temporary fix untill you can completely fix the issue but its allowing better gameplay untill the issue is resolved. Thanks


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Allow private server owners the ability to edit a file containing vehicle damage and player damage while in use cars.

Event Timeline

I have the same problem. I've almost killed entire crew when my screen frozed. I am hesitating to drive a car in dayz.