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Fireplace doing damage even after leaving its vicinity
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I made a fireplace to get dry after some heavy night-rain.
After I got dry I decided (stupidly) to try and jump over the fireplace to see if it was possible to avoid taking damage from it.
Normally when I get to close to a fireplace I take a little amount of damage and I will be good if I just leave its vicinity soon after.
I was only in the vicinity of the fireplace for the amount of time it takes to sprint and jump over it.
But when I was about 2 meters on the other side of it (after I jumped it) I started taking damage, and it did not stop.
I kept sprinting and when I was about 10 meters from it I went unconscious (like it was not only doing normal damage but also shock damage) and then I laid on the ground for 20-25 seconds while taking continuous damage and died.
I lost a fully geared character and was way to far from the spawn-points to have any chance of getting it back.
Bugs like this destroy the game and takes away any remaining urge to play for a good while (and I just took a 2 week hiatus because of the inventory desynch-bug...), you really need to get it fixed.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Try and make a fireplace and run over it.
I am done with the game until 1.07 drops, so I am not going to do it - that is you guys job.

Additional Information

Please fix the game.

Event Timeline

JJB00M created this task.Feb 8 2020, 10:50 PM