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Please fix this game it’s killing me
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I bought this game the day it came out. It was great. Updates started happening cars got added everything got a bit buggy no problem bugs were semi fixed with the new ada 4x4 car still crashed your game a bit lagged an insane amount but with a lot of precautions it’s useable.... for a few hours until it flies 50 feet into the air and kills everyone inside same with the sarka the Gunter and the Olga when will this end. The desync is getting unbearable I almost killed 4 of my friends because I got out of a car was desynced pulled my machete out and apparently before I logged out my character pulled a vaiga out and dumped a 20 round drum in full auto note I never pulled my gun out on my screen I never fired the gun all I did was try to hit a zombie with a machete and ran away to relog. Next there is a problem that started in 1.04 still remains untouched its 1.06 and it has only gotten worse the glitch is items will get stuck in containers I.e. cars tents bags bodies literally anything that can hold loot can have loot stuck in it when it first started it was only large tents then it was all tents now it’s all containers. Why hasn’t this been fixed furthermore why are the cars still bugged you guys for lack of the empathy to say something else get your shit together. I’ve waited for this game for freakin years I play it the day it comes out with not too many problems and then the game goes from meh to completely broken? What can I possibly do to help I’ve played it on Xbox since day one and the game has done nothing but get worse. WE DO T NEED NEW MAPS WE DONT NEED NEW CARS WE DONT NEED NEW GUNS ”although the new guns are awesome” BUT STOPP ADDING THINGS AND FIX WHAT YOU HAVE. Me and everyone else who plays this game is completely tired of all the crap that you guys feed us we want to play day z not spend $100 on a private server not spend $15 on a new map we just want our game. I have personally put 800 long hours of my life into this game and been annoyed almost every step of the way. I just want this game to be fixed we have everything we need just fix it when it’s all fixed I have ideas.... helicopters, ai military patrols carrying high tier loot, more guns such as lmgs like a pkm or an m249. And those are just a few but please please I speak for every member of your community FIX WHAT WE HAVE TOLD YOU IS WRONG!!!


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Drive a car on Xbox store lots of loot in it. Try to remove it some of it will never come out.

Drive a car for an extended period of time you are bound to have your game crash or you run into something while experiencing heavy lag. (It’s not just an internet problem I have fiber and it’s still absolutely terrible,including a 4 rn external ssd.

Fix the unbearable amount of desync we experience after playing or driving cars for extended periods of time

Additional Information

Please from the bottom of our hearts fix this amazing game you guys are ruining it with your neglect.

Event Timeline

ridecody created this task.Jan 2 2020, 9:02 AM

Please fix your game the entire Xbox community is being ripped off with this game at this point this game never should have been more than 10 dollars until it was completely released and not buggy anymore at least 5 years of it being out. When there is no more bugs all avenues of new content have been ran through and added and there are zero bugs in the entire game. This cash grab for your company is something you could make massive amounts of money on if you just cared and put everything you could into developing an amazing game and having actual teams looking through the big reports and finding and fixing every major bug. Sincerely.. Xbox players

That's the new thing slap a early access tag on it charge you whatever they want and fix the game over years and all the time charging for new content and skin etc . It reminds me of PUBG game was trash for years and they just kept pumping out new outfits to wear.