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Killed by glitch
New, UrgentPublic


Yesterday my friend and I where in our base at full health and no sickness and good on hunger and thirst, when I got scratched by barbed wire. I immediately left the area far away from the wire but was taking continues damage until I passed out (about 50 meters away) where I continued to take damage until I died. I was not bleeding at all and died with a full blood icon. My friend ran to my body to attempt to recover my gear. When he returned to the base he ran passed the same barbed wire and the exact same thing happened to him. This is new, post update 1.06. That barbed wire has been in place for months with no issue. Maybe getting scratched by it occasionally but never continued to take damage after jogging 50 meters away and then dying in the middle of the woods.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get cut by barbed wire.
  2. Retreat away from barbed wire.
  3. Observe health if taking continues damage
Additional Information

1.Started at full health
2.Full Stamina
3.White on hunger and thirst
4.Barbed wire did not cause bleeding
5.Died with full blood icon

Event Timeline