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Broken POS
New, UrgentPublic


Such a shame, I expected better to be honest, 1st just want to say Bohemia.. I hate you.

Paid dlc is fucking stupid when the game isn't even close to being finished so wtf are you guys doing? its not like you haven't got enough funding after all the copies you've sold on consoles so a paid dlc is really shooting yourselves in the foot as you wont see a fucking penny out of me I'd happily take a refund and go back to playing the Arma 2 mod instead but the store I got it from wont refund now.

The main reason I'm so salty, is because now it seems I cant even carry a gun round with me, because seems any time I do it bugs out, so I will have my gun out, go to swap it for my axe to kill a zombie or something, and as soon as I have my axe out I start swinging at the zombie and its ghosting, no sounds of impact or zombie stagger, it glitches and basically on my screen I have my axe out, on everyone elses screens I have a gun out and I'm shooting randomly which I didn't know until my friend told me i was firing as the sounds don't play on my screen only everyone else's, and logging doesn't stop it, it happens EVERY TIME I log in, so at the moment I cant play at all really.

I get that bug fixes naturally cause a few more bugs, but at the same time the general rule with games is to make sure it actually works, then work on adding stuff to the game, we didn't need a new map, or new weapons, nerfed fruit and more shit weather plus I dont know what you did to the zombies but fucking hell can you nerf them please? they were no where near that bad on PC ever, seems every time you tweak the game you're making it less and less enjoyable.

Just please fix your game, and stop cash grabbing! you've got so much potential in DayZ stop fucking it up!



Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Have gun out, hold R1 and change to Melee weapon then hold L2 and press R2 to attack with melee weapon, to which it usually ghosts and does no damage to zombies but you'll notice because more zombies will come running

Additional Information

Plz fix blud

Event Timeline

SiSIChi created this task.Dec 6 2019, 1:15 PM