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Me and another person switched Characters!
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Help I have just logged on dayZ ps4 server 2248 and I noticed that my character had been switched for another persons character and I was in a completely different location!!! This is absolutely ridiculous. Please fix this issue as soon as possible.


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

My character got switched for somebody elses character, their clothes, their items, were given to me and my old ones were completely gone. This is really dumb please help me

Event Timeline

Think the same has happened to me. Logged off last night kitted out with military gear and logged in this evening as a ballistic vest clad guy with a sledge hammer?

Kam88 added a subscriber: Kam88.Oct 16 2019, 9:14 PM

I just had this same problem. I was on server 4500 last night with like 5 guns and a bunch of supplies and ammo then I get on today and I have someone's character with a pistol with no ammo and a sledgehammer