Date: 11-04-2019
(Note: all of this issue is happening in the main menu)
There is a issue with joining dayz public servers (all region) as of the date above, stating “connecting failed”. I load into the game and pick a server as usual, and would get sent to a blur screen ( the blur screen when you pick a server and the game is trying to transit into the loading screen for the actual server i picked) with my charecter standing in the background. Seconds after, i get thrown back to the servers list and on top of the server list, i recieved a in-game messages saying “connecting failed” “unkown error occurred” everytime i retry loading into a server. On the side, My internet is working fine as i could play other online games. Going back to the issue, i tried other things in hope of fixing the issue by resetting my ps4, reset the game, tested my internet connection (good), joining other servers and changed region, and as a last resort deleted and redownload dayz. I did other things as well to confirm that it was just not me having the issue by asking friends, whom i play with on dayz and they also had the same issue right after the new patch 1.05 release on console recently. And the issue continued to be consistent.
A look into this issue would be appreciated. Thank you for time!