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Settings.xml and Logs
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I have tried implementing a custom messages.xml config (provided in Additional information). When I have implemented this config, it results in an infinite reboot loop.

Also, are the logs (dayzps/config/DayZServer_PS4_x64.ADM) persistent, or is it a rolling log that gets reset during every restart? Is there a way to access a log store on the server? I ask because if I have the server set to automatically restart, then I currently can't access logs from before the restart in case I have to resolve an issue that occurred in-game that we would use the logs to verify.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

-Stop server
-Copy text provided in "Additional information"
-paste into the text editor on Nitrado's Config Files page (messages.xml)
-Save changes
-Start server

Additional Information

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- NewGroundZ Server Reset Messages -->
<!-- Server Restart - This is designed to set the server to restart after 8 hours -->

		<!-- sets the timer for 8 hours -->
		<!-- sets the timer as a countdown, not sure if this is required -->
		<!-- enable shutdown flag -->

<!-- Server Restart Message - This is intended to send a server restart message 15 minutes before restart -->

		<!-- no delay -->
		<!-- if the value is larger than 0, then flag repeat is enabled -->
		<!-- attempt to send server message when there is 15 minutes left -->
		<!-- disable on connect flag -->
		<!-- disable countdown flag -->
		<!-- disable shutdown flag -->
		<!-- message itself with placeholders -->
		<text>NewGroundZ will shutdown in #tmin minutes.</text>

<!-- Server Restart Message - This is designed to send a server restart message 2 minutes after onconnect -->

		<!-- delay the message by 2 minutes -->
		<!-- if the value is larger than 0, then flag repeat is enabled -->
		<!-- enable on connect flag -->
		<!-- disable shutdown flag -->
		<!-- message itself with placeholders -->
		<text>NewGroundZ will shutdown in #tmin minutes.</text>


Event Timeline

Waggy777 created this task.Aug 24 2019, 3:30 PM
Waggy777 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Waggy777 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Aug 24 2019, 8:30 PM

I was able to get the following to work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

        <text>This server (#name) will shutdown in #tmin minutes.</text>

        <text>This server (#name) will shutdown in #tmin minutes.</text>


However, it is not reading the #tmin variable. So it will show: "This server (!NewGroundZ RP!) will shutdown in minutes."

First, is it possible to get the message to only show 2 minutes after onconnect (as is currently the case) as well as 15 minutes before restart without the countdown?

Would this additional message tag accomplish displaying the message 15 minutes before restart if the server is set to restart after 360 minutes?


		<!-- 345 minute delay delay -->
		<!-- message itself with placeholders -->
		<text>NewGroundZ will restart in #tmin minutes.</text>


And second, why is the #tmin variable not being displayed? The #name variable seems to work fine.

Here is my most recent messages.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

        <text>NewGroundZ will restart in #tmin minutes.</text>

        <text>NewGroundZ will restart in #tmin minutes.</text>


		<text>NewGroundZ will restart in #tmin minutes.</text>



It is still not reading the #tmin variable.

I believe I have figured out the issue. Please close the ticket.