Hey guys, great work on the 1.04 for xbox.
Only concern so far is the inventory system is still bugged.
When I open say a barrel some items become stuck and do not register. Unable to grab them at all. This is frustrating and in my opinion needs to be sorted asap.
Also when scrolling down and inventory screen with heaps of items the inventory menu will keep jumping up and down to far to see the actual item you have highlighted. This happens everytime and is also frustrating.
Both these bugs happen while sorting items in inventory, vicinity and barrels, tents and some backpacks. Seems to be really server based as a server restart immediately fixes it. After some time it will happen again on the same or different items.
Maybe look into a cursor type menu that other games like Call of duty black ops 4 as used. This way you can implement the PC inventory system and allow xbox users to use the inventory easier and not sacrifice in buttons. Just a simple cursor with the thumbstick and the usual combine and grab buttons to initiate actions.
Look forward to seeing 1.05 I hope you can fix the above mentioned issues with a simple hotfix though as I have a car and a base and dont want to lose it :)