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Car Lag (Frame Rate Drop To 0 Frames)
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Cars lag when driven. I've driven in Cherno and I got a frozen screen for 10 to 15 seconds before I could drive again. I lagged and my screen froze just on my way to North West Air Field on a dirt road which had some trees on both sides. And I lagged on another road no where near populated areas/many things to be rendered (A road not to far away from Green Mountain). Every lag spike/freeze has frozen my game in place up to 10 to 30 seconds. Then I would find my car either spun out or crashed. I don't know if its possible to control the car when this lag occurs but I haven't been able to test it since it's difficult to get a car running without loosing in a few minutes later.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Drive the car near populated places which take a bit to render. It probably is just the game not being able to render everything when driving and then the frames stop.

Additional Information

This may help but my fan on my PlayStation stops blowing as fast once my screen freezes. It's almost as my PlayStation has turned off etc.

Event Timeline

iR4zRi- created this task.Aug 10 2019, 7:12 AM
iR4zRi- triaged this task as High priority.

Hopefully this gets fixed. Thank you.