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Items being stuck inside tent
New, HighPublic


When me and my friends go into the tents to move things around items are constantly getting stuck inside the tents to the point where you have to log out of the game log back into the game and then see if they will become unstuck from the tents inventory. You are unable to drop the items to the ground, move them into your inventory, or move them to your hands. Sometimes logging out and logging back in does not fix the issue.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Step 1: load your tent full of items could be anything guns bandages ammo what have you
Step 2: go and run around for 5 mins
Step 3: try to pull items out of tent most likely one or more of them will be glitched in the tents inventory

Additional Information

Me and my friends have found that having more than one person in the tent at a time makes the issue worse for us.

Event Timeline

Silentghost0897 triaged this task as High priority.

I have the same problem with barrels and vehicles. I play solo, and this still happens to every one of my barrels eventually. Is there anything that helped besides logging out and logging back in some times?