- hold SQUARE cant drop the item in hand directly. need open inventry and select hand and hold SQUARE to drop it. when in the encounter if some one is holding something (bag. wheel....) they cant drop it and run they die......
2.inventry bug. TOUCH PAD can open the inventry but some times cant close it need use CIRCLE to close it.
- submachine gun after melee hit. left hand gliched. block the view of ADS.
- military cantiner cant use triangle to hook on to the belt. need hold CROSS to drag on to.
- reload mag is hard to use. i need hold TRIANGLE to load mosin and sks. make it just one click.
- to loot vest or bag from dead zombie is hard cant hold SQUARE or TRIANGLE to drop it out or fast enquip. must hold CROSS to drag.
7 double click SQUARE to throw things is noisy. some times when open the door if you click to? fast will throw things when in the combat,cant play will. change it to hold TOUCH PAD to go in to the throw mod.