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Can't Manage Large Inventories (e.g. Cars, Tents, Barrels, etc.)
New, HighPublic


Any specific inventory container (pants, shirt, car, tent, etc.) that has more items in it than what the inventory screen as a whole can display at one time is extremely hard, or even impossible a times, to navigate. To elaborate, the best example is a car or tent that is full or nearly filled. This is not an issue with the capacity limit of the container but with the actual number of items in it. In other words, if I had 4 items that took 100 slots stored within the car (capacity of 400), there would be no issue, as all of those items would be shown in only one line in the menu. But if I have 100 items that take 4 slots, you will need to scroll to see all the items, which is where the issue lies. When there are so many items in that container that all of the contents cannot be displayed within the inventory window without the need for scrolling, the inventory menu starts jumping erratically, and it's almost impossible to know what item is selected without waiting for the item description to pop up. Even with the pop-up description, you can't know what items are adjacent to your current selection, thus you can't reliably retrieve the item you actually want.

To further explain, this is not an issue of scrolling through different containers, such as your shirt, pants, backpack, and so on. Scrolling through multiple containers is not an issue. But when a SINGLE container has so many items that the entirety of inventory menu cannot display all items within that container, this issue starts to occur.

Sorry for the redundancy, but I'm trying make clear what the issue is as it is very specific but also incredibly game breaking in these cases. It makes navigating through a very full tent or car infuriating and has even caused me and my friends to lose valuable items. It seems to prevent moving items to and from a container that has this problem which leads to even more issues. Please fix this soon because it is preventing our progression in the game, leaving us little more to do. We can't properly store things we find, and so we are beginning to lose interest in the game because of this.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Fill a large capacity container, such as a car or tent, with multiple small items, like ammo and food, so that there are many tens or even hundreds of different items in the container. When you get to the point that not all items are displayed in the menu without scrolling through that container's inventory, the issue should begin to show. It become more noticeable the more items you put in the container. I was able to replicate this as well as my friend I was playing with.

Additional Information

When I first came across this, I was raiding another player's rather full tent. Then I found another tent that was also very full and had the same issue. Lastly, I found a car and began using it for storage as I repaired it, and as the inventory grew, this issue began to show for it as well, but not when the car had just a few items within it. The different categories within the car (engine bay, chassis, tires, etc.) don't seem to affect this particular issue, as they are counted as separate "containers" (they have their own name header and can only contain their specific items). It's only the storage/cargo category that has shown this issue.

Event Timeline

Cyber created this task.Jul 14 2019, 8:03 PM
Cyber triaged this task as High priority.