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Love the game if it was 100% playable
New, HighPublic


I'm new to the game and have had a few good times on it. But wow the bugs... went from me trying to drop my friends items (that take forever to find) and them not being able to see them at all. And now I'm having major issues even picking anything up without them disappearing out of inventory for no reason. Example I picked up an ij-70 around spawn which was nice. I go to look at it in inventory and it just wasn't in there or the house I picked it up in 10 minutes the later the shotgun I had on my back just vanished. Looting already takes forever let alone not being able to pick loot up. Game has serious issues and I just cant belive it was released this unpolished


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

First gun fight I was it I pulled up my gun and my frames went to 0 ended up dying because I literally couldn't aim. All progress lost because the game is trash for the state that it's in rn

Event Timeline

Sleazyporkchop triaged this task as High priority.