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User interface needs sorting for example sorting through your backpack etc yesterday I killed three people and couldn’t loot there bodies because it was buggy and wouldn’t let me scroll to the stuff I wanted as a result I was rushed by two more people and died, also when playing the game frame rates drop and graphics do not load in properly it shows a blue character for my character and trees and zombies too, melee combat is also rubbish as I can attack players or zombies but the hits do not register even though I am right in front of them hitting them. Also when on server screen it glitches out as I try to scroll down and I cannot pick the server I want to play I keep having to come off the server picker and click it again. There are plenty of more bugs from health water blood icons not showing correct amount one min it will be full then next second it’s halfway there are plenty of problems with the game please address them as soon as possibles as it is making it hard to play


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Westy3r6 created this task.Jun 25 2019, 4:48 PM
Westy3r6 triaged this task as High priority.