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Gun won't fire
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I spawned into Server US NY - 2590 and went to grab my SG5-K out of my Hunter Backpack and it didn't have a magazine in the image. The gun has a 30rd Magazine with 15 of those rounds still in it, and another in the chamber, however would not fire when i tried. I also cannot remove the Magazine from the weapon, even when on the ground. I tried changing to server US NY - 2404 and the problem persisted across servers. Currently the weapon is in worn condition and the backpack was badly damaged. Weapon will not load a different Magazine either and is entirely unusable.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Leave Game with gun in backpack
  2. Spawn in to game later
  3. Get gun out of backpack
Additional Information

The gun can still be put into hands and aimed, but is otherwise unusable and despite having ammo available, will not reload and creates sound of empty weapon firing.

DayZ PS4 Standalone Version: 1.02.151522 (TQe0LGf3/N5cJlsPq754NldE8C4SFyHdcyocjXL0cNE=)

Event Timeline

Akiba created this task.Jun 23 2019, 11:56 PM
Akiba triaged this task as High priority.