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Where do I even start
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Im sure you already know of the INCREDIBLE amount of bugs this game has. A shame we couldnt even get an updated version if the game. For starters, game is incredibly jittery because it renders everything several times over when coming to face them again. Whole buildings and street blocks will rerender, causing annoying frame drops and jitters. The buttons break half way through playing, i,e the middle menu button will stop working every now and again and you cant exit the inventory screen by pressing it twice. Pressing O (circle) to combine objects in the menu makes you crouch and stand up accorsing to which stance you were previously in. The melee system against zombies is incredible horrendous, often finding myself hitting one zombie 2 times to kill it, and another zombie up to 12 times before it goes down (yes, those are headshots). Along with constantly circling around and clipping through zombies while trying to attack then, ultimately resulting in many missed swings, while they beat the living shit out of you. When you zoom in to scope, the slight zoom causes shit in the distance to render in untimely, causing a small frame drop resulting in lost gun battles. Items will for some reason because unobtainable, being glitched out and not being able to bring it into the inventory, into your hands, or even being able to move the object around (quite frustrating when you put your gun down and arent able to pick it back up, resulting in lost gear. Inventory items become glitched, not allowing you to fast grab them from a fallen players inventory or even in the world in general. The menus dont only show Americs servers as requested in the menu, thereby making the sort servers button completely useless. I really cant understand why many 50 dollars for a poor ass console port. Such a shame this game came extremely underdeveloped for the time spent working on it. Need i remind you, Bohemia, some of these bugs have literally been in the game since 2013 LAUNCH. Disappointed, but nonetheless, i will continue to play this wretched game despite its awful, sometimes experience ruining bugs. Love the game for its style and concept, i just hope you guys can finally pull the rope and tighten down the hatches. I love and dislike you guys, but this is always what dayz has been, a love-hate relationship. Love the game for its play, hate it for its groundbreaking bugs that ruin player experience.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Literally just playing the game gives you all of these bugs. All of them.

Additional Information

Disappointed that this game can hardly even maintain franes on a fuckin ps4 pro. I like to think it wouldve ran better but that realization wss quite the disappointment.

Event Timeline

HyperRican triaged this task as High priority.
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