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Can't accept invites from friends in a different region
New, HighPublic


Unable to accept invites from friends who have a copy of the game from a different region. Also cannot join on them through the PS4 party chat or through their PSN profile.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Have 2 copies of the game, each from a different region. Example: North America and Europe
  1. Send an invite to a friend, or try to join on a friend through the PS4 party chat.

The player who tries to accept the invite will receive a message saying "Can't find application, do you want to look in the PlayStation Store?" Furthermore, you will receive the same message if you try to join this same friend through the PS4 party chat by clicking on their name and selecting "Join Session"

Additional Information

While this bug is annoying, you can still join their server via the server browser.

Event Timeline

SquirrelKing triaged this task as High priority.
SquirrelKing renamed this task from Can't accept invites from friends in a different regio to Can't accept invites from friends in a different region .Jun 22 2019, 12:26 AM
SquirrelKing edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)