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Nameplate and VOIP suggestions
New, HighPublic


Something I think you guys should definitely consider is eliminating the nameplates in game and the VOIP name plate. The nameplate got me killed last night. I was lying down in a pitch black room
and heard a guy walking up to tbe door and the second he opened it I opened fire and I was rendered unconscious. I asked hum later how he knew I was on the ground and he said he didn’t he just shot at my nameplate. I did not see his but he managed to see mine. I think that this should be removed from the game not only for unfair opportunities such as this but for people who use ghillie suits or those hiding in a bush. I do know the reason it was implemented was for the identification of teammates or potential allies. But quite honestly most teammates use the PSN PARTY CHAT and tell each other where they are. Along with wearing arm bands and that I do ot believe it is necessary to have nameplates that give away your position nor should there be VOIP name plates because this would encourage more people to use VOIP and Walkie Talkies and Field Receivers. Those who don’t after this change would put themselves at a disadvantage which would be self inflicted which is their choice. But this current iteration of nameplates is not self inflicted it is an unfair advantage for those who use stealth such as myself.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

DAN_SK83R triaged this task as High priority.