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DayZ - PS4 - Bugs
New, UrgentPublic


  1. Weapon scopes have long (2-5sec) and life costing registry issues with textures and frames when ADS.
  1. Issues with menu include: Bugged out items in anything that can store an item or dropped by friends. (unable to pick up/ unable to be visually seen) Items stored in tent menu have issues when viewed and selecting, example: 8 rows of items are in tent, if I hover over the bottom row 1st item and move to the 7th row 1st item, the menu proceeds to jump.
  1. ADA 4x4 folding seat will bug out and not allow a player to manipulate the seat position making the vehicle inoperable [spent 7hrs to get that rust bucket moving just to fold the seat and not be able to drive it.] 😢
  1. Aggressive frame and texture refresh when leaving ADS with weapons.
  1. While in conflict with other players, lag is intense making firefights more on frame luck than skill.
  1. The hair on your character protrudes through equipment.
  1. Zombies will once in a blue walk through walls. Not a common occurrence but I’ve had it happen.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Unable to pick up items - happens occasionally, have a player drop and item and you will not see it.

Menus/ storage menus - fill a tent and attempt to move around items in storage.

ADS issues - equip a PSO-1 or even a range finder and ADS to experience frame/texture issues

Firefight issues with lag - Get into a CQC situation in a house.

Folding seat in ADA4x4 - only happened once, Friend sat in front passenger and in attempt to get into drivers seat, I folded it. Had no option to unfold seat or even see action key.

Zombies ghosting walls - attempt to aggravate multiple zombies in towns and be in a house or storage container.

Additional Information

A massive thank you from the console community to you guys. The game may not be perfect and still needs work, but we believe in the teams that are hard at work to make this game a masterpiece. Your current rating is 2/10 in the PSN store, but from us, the true fans, you got an 8/10 for giving us the possibility to enjoy this game on multiple devices. 🍻

-с Богом
Anton Makaruha

Event Timeline

Update: Upon multiple server hops and waiting for the ADA to offer the option to push the seat up, IT WORKED!!!!!
NEW BUG!!!!! Beware of driving, you will be driving down the road, screen freezes and BAM! You crashed the car even though you were driving straight. It’s a massive risk because sometimes it will crash your game and you don't de-spawn!

Another bug identified:
Mini sights- No texture or skin, plain white, operates properly with battery.

I'm having all the same issues you describe.

  1. The current massive car glitch is a huge problem. Can't go faster than 10 km/h so we don't total the car. Even at that speed we've ruined radiators and thankfully had backups. This is not my video, but this is exactly what happens:
  1. This is a small one, but the Mini Sights are all white and not normal color. Trying to put a battery in and they don't work. Same with a few others too. The one scope that seems to light up is the Kobra Sights.
  1. One that keeps plaguing me: I've lost like 5-6 ARs to some kind of magazine glitch. Visually there is no magazine in the gun, but in the gun's sub-menu, it's there. Cannot remove it in hands, on the ground or equipt to my back. Cannot swap to a new magazine either. Tried dropping it and letting others have a go at it. Had to trash so many guns.

Something keeps pulling my whole group back into this game. DayZ is so much fun. The few bugs that do cause massive frustration make it a tough pill to swallow and make the overall game feel like a waste. I'm just trying to hang in for when the bugs get fixed and is as smooth as I know it can be....when it gets to that point, this game will be one of the best out there and tons more will come back that have left because of the issues. Can't wait for that!