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unable to join some servers and in some cases game crash. (1.02)
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Today i played on the server i mainly played on but now when i try to get in it goes to ps4 profile selection screen and have to select a profile.
when i select my profile it puts me back in the main menu and have to go to the server again and the same stuff happens when i try to join it.
its also on some other servers but i found 1 other that i can join.

what i tried to fix it is: restart game, resart ps4, relog into account, reset whole ps4 which causes all game data to be gone but i made an online datasave of my character progres, and i still got the same problem. my friends dont have the problem.

this mostly happens on server EU-NL 2185


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

1,join a server with your character (with progres)?
2.sometimes you will not be ale to join it and are send to the profile selection screen

Additional Information

i dont know if i am the only one i could not find anything on the internet about it.
it is on some servers not all like i am able to join eu nl 0886

Event Timeline

Reprt created this task.Jun 10 2019, 6:45 PM
Reprt triaged this task as High priority.