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Few bugs on ps4, probably well known
New, HighPublic


List of bugs

  1. not sure how to replicate bug, sometimes respawning leaves you with a black screen. Relog fixes it, inventory can be accessed so if you equip stone knife and suicide, new respawn will be fixed.
  1. gunshots. Dayz developers i dont need to stress how vital sound is. Ive been killed twice, close range by someone who pulled a gun and started firing. I didnt hear a single shot. Also when people are firing automatic weapons at a distance youll hear it but itll sound like a super speed burst of shots as if the sound paused and played all at once, but fast
  1. items seem to desync when dropped for someone else, relogging fixes it.
  1. horrible fps drops when going into first person while aiming a gun, 2 to 5 second freezes occur. Also, firing a gun causes big fps drops at first, probably the game being frozen for an entire second or two.
  1. rendering issues with mosin scopes, not terrible but zooming in makes everything white-grey for a moment. Sometimes returning to third person everything around the player will be unregistered as well. Small graphics bug.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Render issue-
Equip gun with scope,
Zoom in, observe
Return to third person, observe

Gunshot freeze-
Equip a gun, fire, observe

Additional Information

Bugs found on ps4, version 1.02

Event Timeline

bugreporter420 triaged this task as High priority.