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unable to pick up items from various containers after you've put the item in the container
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so I've been playing dayz on ps4 for the last day or so & I absolutely love it! I've got it on this, xbox one and pc. I've been building up a base by myself on a low/medium server n I have two red oil drums that I keep my loot in. I have various types of loot including some very important stuff! but when I go to get said things out it doesn't let me, gives me the prompt to either take it into inventory/equip/take to hands but it doesn't do it. highly annoying n it isn't anything in particular (nv scope n nails does it most). this also happens with cars too.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

1; place said item in barrel
2; go to take/equip item n it fails to take it

I've tried to re-log onto the server to see if that'll help but it doesn't.

Additional Information

no biggie, as annoying as it is I have two cars (ada is full n sedan is buggy as fuck) but I'll live. hope to see some updates or even hot fixes coming soon to both xbox n ps4!! keep up the good work devs I'll forever always be a dayz survivor!

Event Timeline

jjarvi created this task.May 30 2019, 10:28 PM
jjarvi triaged this task as High priority.