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So... Where do i Start? This game is a joke. I lost a fully Equiped character 2 Times now. The first time it just corrupted my Character in the data base and the devs deleted him despite me telling them that i dont want this and that i would like to wait for a other solution than deleting. And the second time the game just crashed and after i logged back in i had the same character but reseted on the Coast without my gear. I really liked the idea of the game but in Reality it is just a massive shit show. Not only the game but also the people behind it. I never had such a bad Support. They dont even care what you say. They just give you an pre prepeared answer and thats it. Nothing more.... The worst thing is that you actually have to pay 40€ for such a Bad Service.

Never again will i buy a game from bohemian interactive. Dayz has been a lesson for me on that.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Manticore created this task.Apr 7 2019, 1:21 AM
Manticore changed the task status from New to Feedback.
Manticore triaged this task as High priority.