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Can't dig up stash
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Got a VSD last night from chopper crash. put it into a black dry bag and buried it next to where I always put my stashes. I also put in 3 clips fully loaded about 100 rounds of ammo. I logged back into the game today to dig up my bag but NOPE I can see the stash but can't dig it up. I cut down a tree next to it. Still no good. I got another bag a orange one and buried it right on top of the VSD stash. I can dig that one up but still not the VSD bag.


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
xbox one
Additional Information

Been playing for along time. Had many bugs over the last year. I even had to have you kill my character to keep playing. This is about the last straw. I want my VSD bag back.

Event Timeline

fixed it. layed down and crawled around for about 10mins all over it until it popped up. Then could dig it up.