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Unable to play as my character
New, HighPublic


I signed into my boyfriends xbox to play DayZ. When I logged in it pulled his character to my account and anything I do effects him. So basically its one character per xbox console and while i could see this being a way to prevent smurfing and hordeing loot it is rather frustrating if you share consoles with someone. I dunno if that is the case or if it is a bug and i am unable to find information about it via google.


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

If it is a way to prevent smurfing you should just make it to where its one character per server, Not only will it help with people server hopping it may provide a better connection to the game itself. It would even form communities within certain servers which based on playing this game on pc this is one of the more fun things to discover when roaming the land.

Event Timeline

AmberSweatpants triaged this task as High priority.

I have people at my house who play multiple accounts and have all of their characters, make sure that your xbox is set to your home xbox in settings, and to make sure your profile is the only one signed in, hopefully that helps you!