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Cycling on pump action guns or bolt action guns
Feedback, HighPublic


When you load a shell into the chambering system you can load one at a time. When firing these weapons such as the mosin or the pump shotgun, you don’t cycle the next round. Im not sure if the game is supposed to do it automatically but hitting the change firing mode and load button while aim doesn’t cycle the next round. Instead the reload will put a new round from the inventory and put it into the chamber.

If there isn’t a way to camber the next round I think a great suggestion would be use the fire mode on bolt actions and pumps would be a good way to cycle the next round.

Thanks for the time and keep the wonderful game going.


Operating System
Windows 7
AI Aiming / Shooting
Steps To Reproduce

Load multiple rounds into the mosin and fire the weapon, then ry to cycle the next round without loading a new round from the inventory

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