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Equipped gun no longer moves to shoulder slot after moving a different item to hands.
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If you have a gun in your hands which can be equipped on the shoulder slot e.g. AKM, M4, Mosin, BK-18 and you press A to move an item from either your inventory or vicinity to hands slot, the item will NOT go to your hands and the weapon will stay in your hands.

Previously the weapon would move to your shoulder automatically if there is no space within any of your inventory slots.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Have a large weapon in your hands which can be equipped on your shoulder slot.

Press A on any item to attempt to put it in your hands

You will notice nothing happens unless there is space for the gun to go in your backpack.

(The gun is supposed go to your shoulder and allow the item your pressed A on to go in your hands.)

Additional Information

Of course I am aware that you can just press X to equip the weapon before picking up the item but I thought I'd share this change as it may be unintended.

Event Timeline

Lambicus created this task.Dec 5 2018, 9:19 PM
Lambicus triaged this task as Normal priority.
Lambicus renamed this task from Equipped gun no longer moves to shoulder slot after moving a different to item to hands. to Equipped gun no longer moves to shoulder slot after moving a different item to hands..
Lambicus edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 5 2018, 9:21 PM