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Inventory management bug
New, HighPublic


When players want to drop items from their inventory they have to drop from their bags or clothing. Anything in their hands or on their back when pressing and hold the y button puts the item into inventory and if no space then the items stays. If item is in the hands of player and the player wants to hold y to drop the item gets put into inventory instead resulting in a longer process to drop item.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Put item into hands or equiped that you want to drop

Hold y button to drop item

Observe item is place into inventory if space is allowed and otherwise item stays put

Additional Information

It seems holding the x button when holding something like a barrel or gun will allow to quickly drop item in hands but sometimes if item is equiped in the hot wheel the gun or item will get duplicated and the item will still be equiped and on hot wheel even if it is on the ground

Event Timeline

Ratchet2796 triaged this task as High priority.