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Disappearing items and structures
New, UrgentPublic


I am not sure if this is already currently being worked on but after spending a ton of time my group and I started building the structures and placing tents on Xbox. From the update Friday till yesterday we had no issue with tents but yesterday my group starting building for the first time. After building for 5 hours yesterday we called it a night and when we woke up our three large tents, two medium tents, two car tents, 4 walls plus a gate, generator, construction lights and more disappeared and all of our loot is no where to be found. All that hard work for nothing. We think this was due to a server reset as the servers reboot once and a while and we have a guy online the whole night and he left to loot a nearby town and came back 30 min later after a server reset and found that everything was gone. I am unsure how this can be resolved but it really is a pain and my group no longer wants to play until final release because of this. Please help if able and give us hope that everything will be fine.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Build structures (completed)
Place tents and items

Wait for server reset
Wait and see if stuff disappears

Happened twice to me

Additional Information

We build in a secluded area nowhere near other permanent structures like houses or cars. Out in a open field next to some trees. Built in map border and was not located on a item spawn.

Event Timeline