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Base building bug
New, HighPublic


Continuous glitching when walking up watchtower stairs. Partial glitching on platform stairs as well.
Wall separation and movement.
Server resetting caused loss of tems and base displacement

Was building my base and needed more duct tape, dug up a drybag and pulled out a couple items and my server reset.
After reset i was unable to walk up stairs to try and build 2nd lvl. It would always start glitching up and down and port me back under outside or into the floor.
Then i also noticed the adjoining wall piece had now moved 5 m and blocked my tent door.
Possible nightime issues/rain but it wasnt an issue before reset.


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Xbox One
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

Login and try to walk up the stairs in base after the reset, wall still moved 5m from original position. Left and joined different server still able to reproduce after rejoining original server

Event Timeline

Animbuscloud triaged this task as High priority.