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Several crash issues and bugs
Feedback, HighPublic


Game crashes everytime when i go to my inventory and scroll my equipment down, 1st i got backpack then jacket then trousers and when i get to trousers the game freezez and i need to shut the whoke game and start it again and i dont even equip any items nor i wield shotgun that causes the game to crash. After this new and recent update to xbox where there supposed to have cars that dont exist and along came the shotgun and more, the shotgun causes major crash and my game crashed 7 times in a row just trying to equip shotgun and the shotgun clitches so that u can only chamber 1 slug in it and fire once whitout firing sound/effect and when i shoot the game crashes. What comes to any and all firearms from pistols to rifles i cant shoot whit sound effect and what comes to the inventory i hate it when i have backpack 1st equiped and then combat vest, jacket and trousers and everytime whrn i log off and back in again to play my equipmemt/clothing order is changed that my backpack is last and for example jacket is 1st and then vest then trousers and its very annoying and i hope u can fix it that it wont randomize my clothing/equioment order when i log off. Other issue is that the hunger and thirst goes down way too quickly and it is not realistic, i know my character is wet from the rain and suffers from cold and carries lots of stuff and equipment but when i was in the army i carried too lots of stuff, 3 weapons and mags, food and water and i had bulletproof vest that weighted empty about 2kg but it had in it 2 armor plates and one plate weighted 3kg each and then i had my combat vest that weighted empty 1kg but in it had 6 full mags, gas mask, ncb equipment, med pack and what else and i even had a huge rig/packback (in dayx one would be huge as alice backpack) and it was full of everything that one soldier needs to survive for 2 weeks in wilderness, at least and i never got hungry every 5 minutes, it took about 6 to 12 hours to get hungry and about 2 to 4 hours to get thirsty so this is a major issue in a game that u advertise as a realistic game but basic things like hunger and thirst does not go in that way, not at all and i hope u fix it too.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Goppis created this task.Nov 26 2018, 11:46 AM
Goppis changed the task status from New to Feedback.
Goppis triaged this task as High priority.
Goppis changed Severity from None to Major.

Hope someone notices this and takes it seriously and takes actions to repair these issues.