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Crash while pressing down on d-pad in inventory
New, HighPublic


Every few times or so that I go into my inventory with the back button and then pressing down d-pad to try to go into my inventory the game will crash. Tested multiple times after crashing and so far 9/10 times the game instantly crashes.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Xbox One X
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Press inventory button
Then press down button while in main inventory
Game crashes

Additional Information

I have noticed that the crash started after my backpack began acting up. I can’t go to the backpack inventory without first going up to jump to the first spot in the bag. Backpack has also displayed in different places in inventory.

Event Timeline

Zorbin created this task.Nov 26 2018, 7:10 AM
Zorbin triaged this task as High priority.
Zorbin changed Category from General to Game Crash.

This started for me on 11/25/18 around 10pm central time. Happened on multiple servers and was not fixed by a full redownload of the game. No crashes the night before.

Think it might actually be the main weapon I have. The shotgun called BK-133. When highlighted in the inventory game crashes.

lykoas added a subscriber: lykoas.Nov 26 2018, 7:24 AM

I've been having the same problem.