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Bug and Glitches Listing
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Hi, i found lot of issues in the game since the building update! I play on XBOX One Fat, with an USB-HDD.

-When i had BK-133Shotgun in my inventory, the game crash(fatal error) when i open the inventory and search something in it.

-We are not be able to reload properly the BK-133SHOTGUN, and its not doing the pump action.

-Mosin 91/30 not doing the bolt action while shooting, we have to reload bullet by bullet.

-Sometimes the vicinity window disapear and the solution is relog!

-Sometimes the window of my assault backpack is not visible, the only solution is to take it on my hand, but when i equip it it dont show the stuff in it.

-New inventory is difficult to use, when i micro manage my inventory its take 5 seconds to transfert an object properly, it needs to be easier to transfer stuff from personnal inventory to a container (tent, barrel, chests)

-sometimes the game crash when i open my inventory

-on the server RU 032 its always rain and foggy

  • at 17:00 i'm not be able to play, cauz database connection failed!
  • sound and textures desync in urban zones, also the fps go down and make the exploration of towns difficult.
  • I found a jammed FX-45 and a M4 and im not be able to eject the bullet jammed in the chamber

-we are not be able to combine wood logs with hatchet to craft planks

-i deploy a barbed wire to block a zone and its undeployed after the restart

-i dont know if its an issue but i dont find any car :)

-sometimes the wells are on the iSurvive map, but not appear in the game, for example, near the church in Elektro, the well not appear.

  • Headtorch issue, when i switch on the head torch i see the red light when its on my hand, and when i equip it on my character i cant see the light!

Sorry guy for my long and frenchy message, i try to play after, and search for other issues.

Keep going guys the game is amazing.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Xbox One
Steps To Reproduce

Relog on server if the vicinity window disapear

Relog on server if the inventory of the backpack disapear

Additional Information

take you time to transfer objects from an inventory to an other

Event Timeline

Moslet_farco triaged this task as High priority.
Moslet_farco updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 26 2018, 1:39 PM