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Issues with Guns and UI
New, HighPublic


Issues with inventory screen, weapons, and mechanics of those specific areas


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Inventory screen causes severe lag when pulled up 7 out of 10 times. My equipped weapon shows a full mag but clip is empty. Mags are disappearing inside inventory screen and other items are in inventory instead (example picked up .45 box of ammo and it was clearly stated on the ground looking at it, using inventory screen to pick it up, then the box turned into 5.56 ammo in a box. I also have had game crashes were it freezes for 2-5 minutes then goes to the xbox home screen. The locations vary between issues but get issues in most populated locations, air fields, cities, etc. Inventory system issues with backpack located in the first slot of the inventory screen cause inventory to freeze and can't scroll past the first item in bag, you have to unequipped the bag to re-equip it to gain access to all storage slots. The buttons within the inventory screen for inventory management have bug issues where A sometimes combines instead of swapping, moving items around can also be challenging with the hold A registers as a tap A instead. Besides those things game is fairly smooth, fun, and stressful. Gun fights are fun but I die alot, and the survival management works well. Eating, drinking, healing more or less. More items in world would be nice but then it would be too easy. Playing with friends is rather hard difficult trying to find each other and figure out servers and what not but still manageable.

Event Timeline

N7XeroCrimson triaged this task as High priority.
N7XeroCrimson edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Inventory screen causes severe lag when pulled up 7 out of 10 times. My equipped weapon shows a full mag but clip is empty. Mags are disappearing inside inventory screen and other items are in inventory instead (example picked up .45 box of ammo and it was clearly stated on the ground looking at it, using inventory screen to pick it up, then the box turned into 5.56 ammo in a box. I also have had game crashes were it freezes for 2-5 minutes then goes to the xbox home screen. The locations vary between issues but get issues in most populated locations, air fields, cities, etc. Inventory system issues with backpack located in the first slot of the inventory screen cause inventory to freeze and can't scroll past the first item in bag, you have to unequipped the bag to re-equip it to gain access to all storage slots. The buttons within the inventory screen for inventory management have bug issues where A sometimes combines instead of swapping, moving items around can also be challenging with the hold A registers as a tap A instead. Besides those things game is fairly smooth, fun, and stressful. Gun fights are fun but I die alot, and the survival management works well. Eating, drinking, healing more or less. More items in world would be nice but then it would be too easy. Playing with friends is rather hard difficult trying to find each other and figure out servers and what not but still manageable.

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