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Multiple bugs an glitches
New, NormalPublic


  1. When a burlap sack is removed from a players head their screen remains dark until you log out then back in.
  2. When aiming with a firearm sometimes the gun will either appear to aim to high or to low.
  3. When you become soaking wet after you let your gear dry the stamina bar will not display correctly unless you log out an back in.
  4. When soaking wet an your full from eating or drinking the indicating icons overlap.
  5. Zombies will glitch through walls of buildings such as fire stations.
  6. Ropes currently will not restrain players. Thanks for the chance to play this awesome game an the amazing work guys keep it up.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Pipe created this task.Oct 25 2018, 11:38 PM
Pipe triaged this task as Normal priority.

Multiple bugs an glitches

Logged in today and walked outside a container And went into another, shutting the doors behind me and being alone and no enemies around I assumed I was safe, out of nowhere I heard Zombie aggression and I quickly check the online server list to see if someone else had joined the game I was in, they hadn’t I was alone, or if no where I was being hit by multiple zombies.. I stood up and there was no enemies in my building and there weren’t any! I was being hit by multiple enemies but nothing was there and I couldn’t move because the invisible enemies were blocking my path... I feel uncluncupus and died. So my 7 hours walking and traveling, collecting and looting was all for nothing. I can’t understand how it happened but this was truly unfair gaming, I understand you’re still in a trial period but you fix bugs and old ones come back. Thanks a lot, hopefully more will be released or fixed soon as the game is becoming repetitive being forced to pvp constantly.