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Xbox One X Micro Stutter/Frame Freezing.
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Please fix the microstuttering in the game. This is just replicated by walking anywhere in the dayz world. It could happen just by turning around or just walking in general. Also when walking around the world and holding down (RB) to zoom, there is some frame freezing. Either textures arent loaded in, or the framerate takes a dip. I also notice, framerates are a little less stable when its raining.

Before any of you say "my game is running buttery smooth, (which it does most of the time) Please understand what micro stuttering is and really sit down and watch. It can be quite annoying.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

This just happens anywhere in the dayz world. It happens more when your in a big city. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice, and I can still duplicate this issue.

Additional Information

Micro stuttering is a term used in computing to describe a quality defect that manifests as irregular delays between frames rendered by the GPU. If you watch the game closely it will freeze for a brief second and then continue. I have seen other people complain about this issue on other forums. Dayz devs PLEASE look into this. I have also seen where people say this runs better on the OG xbox. I love this game alot, but this issue makes it very frustrating to play. I am playing on the XBOX ONE X, and I just want it to run smooth. I thank you guys for everything that you do, I just dont want you guys to overlook this issue, because I know its not just me. Thanks again I appreciate it.

Event Timeline

oneideal created this task.Oct 13 2018, 4:17 PM
oneideal triaged this task as High priority.