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Glitch: Ship wreakage on island off the Coast while walking your elevated in the air on the boat
New, LowPublic


Game Version 0.63.148707

Glitch: Ship wreakage on island off the Coast while walking your elevated in the air on the boat. Try getting on the front of the boat through the side and once your on the front of the boat you start walking then all of a hidden your elevated off the ground supernaturally when going from the lower part of the front walking to the higher part of the front of the ship.


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Xbox one
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

Just get on the front of the boat and walk around to the front trip of the boat then you'll see the supernatural elevation

Additional Information

I took a picture of 'it but i'm unsure of how to upload 'it on here. Shops name is American Star

Event Timeline

jaunathon triaged this task as Low priority.
jaunathon updated the task description. (Show Details)

jaunathon edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 22 2018, 3:41 PM