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Puking when eating tactical bacon
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I am not sure if this is intentional or not. But when I eat tactical bacon (raw) on XBOX, my character pukes after eating a whole can. My stomach can be in the red, yellow, or grey and he will still puke after I eat the can. It doesn't impact my water or food when I puke, just disables my ability to use my character for a few seconds.

It may be because I eat it raw. But I wanted to report this in case this is unintended results of eating tactical bacon.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Eat tactical bacon raw
  2. Wait for puke

(This happens for all my friends too)

Event Timeline

addicted2code triaged this task as Normal priority.

Every single time for me as well.

tactical bacon replenishes most of your food. eating the entire can is not a good idea at all. what i have figured out is that tactical bacon is the most replenishing food item in the game. a single pixel is enough to fill half ur food and put u at full