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Glitches and crash report
Feedback, NormalPublic


  1. Move to hands options not working when inventory full but hands empty.. is achievable manually in inventory window.
  1. Walked through a tree and crashed.. restart game caused xbox shut down. Rebooted.
  1. Encountered a zombie..i attacked. It never reconised me as player..i couldn't hit it .. i turned so it was out of view, turned back and it had despawned.
  1. Server menu filters don't work at all, while trying the system acts like i choose a server and put me in.. i didnt select a server as the list was empty. Replicate this every time trying to view fav servers.
  1. The inventory stacking by size and shape isn't that obviouse.. pc has visual packing/stacking aid.. needed on Xbox
  1. Quick selector require 3 button pushes.. D-stick select-X. Would prefer to see just 2. D-stick select.
  1. Love the intro of mushrooms
  1. I swapped xbox live accounts so my son could play his own game of dayz.. on swapping back my game data was showing on title screen but wiped as i joined server.
  1. Some oddly placed loot doesnt show up in inventory(on ground). Ie. Drink can on top of car. Scope on book shelf. No interaction available.
  1. Some medium size rocks in the woods interupt movement smoothness. Ie. A rock roughly 30cm high after walking over causes character to stop and fall as if from a great hight, basicly pausing movmemt for about 3-4 seconds as the fall animation plays out... then straight back to jogging.
  1. When inventory full, you cant swap hand held items. Ie. Swap gun for bandage. You are forced to place items in your hand on the ground before taking item from bag. A straight swap (bag space permitting) would be helpful.


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version

Event Timeline

magicjon3 changed the task status from New to Feedback.
magicjon3 triaged this task as Normal priority.
magicjon3 updated the task description. (Show Details)Sep 7 2018, 10:50 AM