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Character locked in database.. *groan* Had it happen to me before, but it would go away either next time I tried, or after game restart. Not this time!
New, NormalPublic


Don't get why this is still happening. Please comb through the logs and find why it's locking us. What DB are you guys using anyway? Assuming this is happening server side.
I got connection to server lost error, tried reconnecting - character locked.
Can't we just add code to remove any locks on attempt to connect, since it's obvious in this case that previous connection has failed, and we are now at a bad state?


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Play. Get character lock. guh. Sometimes it is not permanent though!

Additional Information

Don't care, still want this, in whatever state on experimental over the weekend :) (with at least some other stuff added we used to have...)

Event Timeline

verolom created this task.Jun 8 2018, 1:18 AM

plz halp.

My steam profile is
I honestly cannot remember what server I was on :( I just clicked the one that wasn't night and not more than 150 ms latency. Why did this happen to me :((( I am cursed, cursed I say.

update players set status = 'UNLOCKED' where player_id = (select player_id from players where status = 'LOCKED' and connected = 0);

Just schedule that to run every 5 minutes... or something.. if it's not mssql I can give you syntax for whatever DB you're using.

verolom updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 8 2018, 7:09 AM