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Suggestions 1.0 -Clark
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Ok, I'm going to skip all of the boring "Why I am posting this stuff" and get right into the meat of this post. So without further ado, here is my uber suggestion list for this game!
Not in any order so don't expect anything fancy like that.

Revamped Base Building:
The current base building system isn't buggy, but it is as confusing as my step mom. Rotating objects is more than a challenge and putting stuff together takes longer than most people want. So here's what this category entails:

Easy Base Mode: Allows players to enter an editor state using a revamped version of the ingame editor which allows the player to create a base using already printed parts in a Kerbal Space Program building style, as I find that it is very easy for many people to understand.

Hard Base Mode: Same as now except with better part rotation and snap to angles for easier building.

Manned Ship Construction:
Haven't gotten this far in the campaign mode yet but I am guessing there is no way to construct manned ships and add parts to a habitat module or rovers. Now for this section:

Using one standard launcher (NASA's SLS) you should be able to create a manned ship in which you can take your astronauts to Mars in. Similar to Kerbal Space Program except using the current build style of adding parts to a pre-prepared module.

General Revamp To Make The Game Flow Better:

Borrow from games such as Space Engineers and Kerbal Space Program to make the game seem more 'playable' as right now it seems quite hard to understand the game unless you play it for multiple hours.

Better Astronauts:

Lets be honest, MAKE BETTER ASTRONAUT MODELS. The current models don't really look like modernish astronauts, so instead make them larger and with an actual 'backpack' for oxygen and other supplies.

More to come possibly, stay tuned!


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Bohemia added a project: Restricted Project.May 9 2016, 9:57 AM
Heavyduty122 set Category to category:suggestions.Nov 24 2014, 12:49 AM
Heavyduty122 set Reproducibility to N/A.
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Heavyduty122 set Legacy ID to 4148522182.May 9 2016, 9:57 AM