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Top part of the atmospheric entry module won't decuuple from light lander.
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The upper part of the atmospheric entry module (the one with the parachute) didn't disconnect from the light lander properly, rendering it unusable.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce
  1. I play the game on windowed mode.
  2. At the time I was deploying multiple missions throughout Kaizer's map.
  3. First I sent two landers, then four probes. I would only wait for the loading screen to vanish to press the ESC to launch the next vehicle.
  4. When I connected back to the landers the top of the atmospheric entry module was still on them and the landing sequence was working enough to safely land the landers.
Additional Information

I strongly suggest we add a manual override to forcefully decouple the atmospheric entry module in case anything happens. Using the Space key's options for example.

Not even very intense maneuvers were not able to decouple the top part.

Event Timeline

Bohemia added a project: Restricted Project.May 9 2016, 9:56 AM
nollieflipx edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
nollieflipx set Category to category:bugs.
nollieflipx set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
nollieflipx set Severity to None.
nollieflipx set Resolution to Open.
nollieflipx set Legacy ID to 1237189698.May 9 2016, 9:56 AM
nollieflipx added a subscriber: nollieflipx.

I'm sorry, it's the same as bug 383.

It was my mistake while using the search tool, looked for hover instead of lander for some reason.